Profile and exhibitions
Skovhuset Art & Nature was an independent art space and centre for cultural activities. Skovhuset (the Forest House) was located in a forest by Søndersø Lake in Værløse, not far from Copenhagen. Skovhuset became an art space in 1977, when a group of local art enthusiasts supported by the local council took over a large, empty family summer house from 1923 and the forest surrounding it. The house and forest was dedicated to indoor and outdoor exhibitions and events until 2024 where the art insitution closed.
In 2021 Skovhuset launched its new profile. Through a series of world-class exhibitions and a programme of tailored activities and events, the ambition was to put Skovhuset on the map as a creative hub specialising in and nurturing interaction between art and nature in order to increase awareness of the current state of the environment on which our lives depend. Skovhuset’s goal was to become a powerful, art-based voice in contemporary debates on nature, the environment, and climate change.
The work was based on the view that nature, art, culture and human life are inextricably linked. Nature and culture are not diametrical opposites, but part of the same ecosystem. Art often shares this holistic thinking, focusing in different ways on the permeable boundaries between the aesthetic, organic and ecological, as well as between politics, economics and ethics. Climate changes and the far-reaching global consequences of the transfer of viruses from animals to humans has served to confirm the extent to which nature and culture are interconnected and interdependent, acceptance of which is key to re-establishing balance and finding solutions to the challenges we all face.
For information on the exhibitions in English, see under Udstillinger, tidligere and scroll down.